Tuesday 5 February 2008

Solid but unspectacular start to 2008

I’ve decided to reinstate the monthly results updates from now. The main reason for this is that I want to have some degree of accountability, which was the main reason I started this blog in the first place. So, January 08 is in the bag and after approx 68 hours play I managed a win of $3445. Not a fantastic result but steady enough I guess. After a bad month in December it was nice to get back to winning ways.

I’m struggling with the Disney target ($6000 in the first 6 weeks of the year) but this is as much to do with volume as quality of play. I would like to achieve the target but I mustn’t let it rule my thought processes when playing.

Going forward it would be nice to improve the hourly rate above the $70 per hour I have made so far at $200 PLO, although I guess $100 per hour is probably the maximum achievable playing 2-4 tables.

At the moment I have only a laptop screen (max res 1280 x 800) and am unable to play without quite a lot of table overlap. I suspect that this is not helping the bottom line. I could do with a more professional set-up but then my evening sessions would feel much more like working than playing. I really ought to consider getting a decent monitor that will allow me to fit 4 tables with no overlap.

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