Thursday 11 October 2007

Tight is right

Ive just finished another disappointing session. Only an hour long but managed to get involved un-necessarily with a total donk. I managed to win one pot from him, but lost several others. I suspect that he had me beat in the one that I won too.

Just lately there have been some spectacularly bad players popping up. They have been of the fairly aggressive type, in that they have been raising pre-flop and leading the post-flop betting, although their bet amounts have typically been smaller than 'standard.' I have tried to target these players and have managed to lose money in dribs and drabs, which is actually very frustrating.

I need to back off a little. The end result of this getting involved is probably only very slightly +EV and the impact on variance is certainly very high. This sounds like a bankroll-breaker if ever I have seen. Also, it makes it more likely that I will veer into tilt: something I have managed to largely avoid for a very long time now.

From my next session I am going to get back to a tight and aggressive game: vert tight in early positions, a bit looser round the back and play a solid game post-flop. If I make any 'moves' I need to make them against the tight regulars, not the crazies.

I just need to hope that when I do hit a monster it is against one of these nutcases. Chances are it will be, as they play more pots than everybody else. What I need to avoid is leaking away $100 here, $180 there trying to push these monkeys around. All of this comes off the bottom line.

I can use the time after I have folded to improve my reading of the other players. This is something that is always beneficial in the long run.

Now then, how about repeating after me :


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