Monday 10 September 2007

Nice result, didnt feel very good

Results-wise I should be happy with the last week but I dont feel as though I played that well. I played for 13.5 hours and showed a profit of $1456. I was a little unlucky in the big pots, which were few and far between, but nothing to get excited about.

I won quite a few medium-sized pots without showing down, but overall in the big pots I did no better than break even.

Biggest winner of the week (EV-wise) was when my 77 hit a 997 flop in a 4-way limped pot. I bet it on the flop and the turn and the big blind seemed very keen to call big bets. I guessed he'd hit the 9. When he checked the river I bet all-in (about twice the size of the pot) and he insta-called with K9 (trip 9s).

Biggest move of the week came when I raised in EP with 67-suited and got two callers, both solid regulars. This is something that I do very rarely but I had been playing very tight in that session and people had probably noticed. The flop came QJ4 (all spades) and I fired a near-pot-sized bet as many players will just give up if they dont have a great hand here. One reg called and the turn was a 5 giving me a straight-draw. I fired pretty big again and he called. Now I put him on something like KQ with the K of spades. The river was another 5, which I considered a good card to bluff with as it paired the board. I would have played QQ or JJ exactly the same as I played my 67, so figured that a big river bet would get him to lay down. I wanted to be enough for him to be sure that I was representing exactly QQ, just in case he had flopped a flush, so I bet all-in (almost 2x the pot) and he folded after some delay.

Biggest loser came when I raised to $40 UTG with AK-suited. It folded round to the big blind who made it $120 to go. This was a loose-aggressive player, but I didnt get the impression he was messing about here. However I called, figuring that I had position and I could quite easily be up against QQ or KK. The flop came Axx and he checked to me. I had about $575 left (I started the hand quite low as I had just lost a decent pot and failed to reload in time) and bet $250 to signal that I wasnt messing about. He then raised all-in and at this point I guessed he probably had the other two Aces. I just couldnt bring myself to fold. Booo! I deliberately bet an amount on the flop that looked as if I would never fold to a check-raise so that I could do just that. Then I called and got see his AA. I played this hand like a mug and got punished accordingly.

On Sunday night I played like a gambler, and my results were poor, with a $1200 loss. The table started short-handed and the guy to my right was in every pot fighting for it. I got too involved with him, despite not hitting anything at all, and quickly lost money in decent-sized chunks. So the week ended on a sour note, but I can console myself with the knowledge that I made $100+ per hour this week despite this loss.

The plan for this week is to play well every session and hopefully the results will follow.

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