Monday 19 November 2007

A tough way to make an easy living

I managed about 10 hours of play this week and it was once again a rollercoaster ride. Without a bankroll this is just not possible to sustain. Not only does the bankroll prevent me from running out of funds, it also prevents me from going on tilt. This is just as well, because if I tilted away my bankroll now I would never forgive myself and would carry out the earlier pledge to never play again.

On Monday I played really well on a fairly tough table, running my $1,000 buy-in up to $1,400 before disaster struck in the form of KK v AA. I lost it all on that hand and called it quits for the night.

Losing with KK v AA is generally accepted as being a cold-deck situation that you shouldn’t worry too much about. Its considered by a lot of pros that there’s nothing you can do to avoid losing your money, especially if the flop comes low and offsuit. However, I wondered if I could have managed to save some money as my opponent checked the turn after re-raising pre-flop and firing a decent amount on the flop. I suspected AA going from a previous hand, and if I had checked behind on the turn I guess he would have made a smaller value-bet on the river than the all-in bet I made for him on the turn. $200-$300 saved here would have added nicely to the week’s bottom line.

On Tuesday I started really well and recouped the vast majority of Monday’s losses before hitting trip Jacks on a QJ8 flop only to find myself against a loose-aggressive player with the nut straight. I don’t see how I could have saved any money here. This was another $1,000 loss to wipe out all of the good work that came before it.

The good news is that from Wednesday onwards things improved. I won lots of small pots and a couple of big ones too. More importantly, I never got big money into the pot in bad shape again.

On Sunday night I got 3-way action holding top-set on a draw-heavy board and amazingly the only live draw against me was to a runner-runner-non-board-pairing flush. KK v K10 v 1010, flop K107. Nice work if you can get it, although it was a shame their stacks were only $500 and $800!

After the ups and downs this week I was delighted with the result of +$3,072 although it must be said that this was by no means an easy week.

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